Twitter’s Advanced Search Function: Simplified

Real quick before bed, Mashable released this great video tutorial just going over Twitter’s Advanced Search function. As an alternative to Google, Twitter’s advanced search allows the user to search for “personality” rather than “popularity”.

Klout: Twitter Analytics

If you’ve never heard of Klout, they’re a social media analytics company that measures your “influence” on Twitter. Now they’re looking to start doing the same thing on Facebook. As far as I know, they’re one of the top sites that measure Social Media influence and reach. Mashable published the story about Klout moving on to measuring your Facebook activity but I haven’t been able to find that service yet.

In any case, I checked my Twitter Influence on the site and they tell me I’m an “Explorer: You actively engage in the social web, constantly trying out new ways to interact and network. You’re exploring the ecosystem and making it work for you. Your level of activity and engagement shows that you “get it”, we predict you’ll be moving up.”

Pretty interesting and to be honest, I think it’s a pretty accurate claim as far as my tweeting activity is concerned. So if you have a twitter account (and if you don’t…REALLY??), try out Klout and see what it comes up with and you can judge for yourself if their conclusions are accurate.