Google TV ousting Comcast? Not quite yet..

Hill Holliday performed an experiment in the Boston area where five random households were given a digital TV device in replacement of their normal cable for one week. They were interviewed before and after the experiment and given a flipcam to record their experience throughout the week. Here’s a video of the experiment:

While none of the households involved would trade in their cable television for a Google TV, Apple TV or the like, I think it’s important to remember that this stage in television is still extremely new. Still in its innovation phase, I don’t even see early adopters catching on until later this year, or even next year at the earliest. With that said, the general public probably won’t pick up on this for at least another year or two. After all, this whole 3D TV fad has to fade away first (and it definitely will…but that’s a whole ‘nother topic).

Ultimately, there simply isn’t the demand for the product nor the programming to satisfy the consumer as of yet. But I think if they looked at a totally different demographic, the results may have been different. I’m talking about young adults, college students; ie. people that can’t afford paying over $100 a month for cable and people that don’t have time to sit down and watch hundreds of channels.

Personally, as a college grad in my mid 20s, I live in an apt with no cable and to be honest, it’s not that bad. Most of the shows I watch are posted online on the networks websites for viewing the next day. After thinking about it, when I did have cable, 90% of what I watched were news and Sportscenter, both of which I can find online.

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