Google: 2010.

Google recently released its Zeitgeist report for 2010, which highlights the most popular search queries on Google for this past year. Mashable shares some great insite into what we found most intriging in the world in 2010 and what we looked up on Google throughout the year:

“The search giant analyzed billions of searches performed in 2010 and compared them with searches from 2009 to surface emerging trends. Chatroulette, the iPad and Justin Bieber were the three fastest-rising search terms in 2010; Twitterand Facebook also made the list, at numbers eight and 10, respectively.

Among the items of interest that lost the world’s attention in 2010 were swine flu, Stephanie Meyer’s novel (and the accompanying movie) Twilight: New Moon, Susan Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire, “MySpace layouts” and Michael Jackson.

The iPad was the emergent search winner in the consumer electronics category, followed by the iPhone 4,Nokia 5530, HTC EVO 4G and Nokia N900.

In terms of news searches, Haiti proved the most popular, followed by Turkish sports club Besiktas, Chile, “earthquake,” Lady Gaga and the iPhone 4. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill ranked 10th.”



Here’s the video that Google released, recapping our favorite search topics for 2010:



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