Wong Fu Teaches YOU How to Be More Green.

As part of the Ecomagination Youtube Challenge sponsored by GE and Howcast, Wong Fu Productions has created 3 short videos based on view suggestions on different ways one can help promote sustainability with everyday, ecofriendly practices. Their three views include minimizing the number of times you flush a toilet, reusing paper towels and unplugging unused electronic devises/turning off all electronic devices for an hour each day. Here are the videos:

#1. What the Flush?!

#2. Water Ain’t No Thang

#3. Lights Out

Save the Planet by watching Youtube! (?!)

As part of their Ecomagination campaign, GE and Howcast have come together to develop an entire charity campaign based on digital media (specifically, Youtube). With the help of 15 big name Youtubers, each Youtuber posts a video supporting the cause. The goal is to reach 10 million views across all 15 channels, with GE making a donation to Charity: Water, which helps bring clean water to those in the world that don’t have access to it.
The campaign is called [Tag Your Green], and the whole idea is to spread the message to as many people as possible through Youtube and try to get everyone to come up with their own ideas on how to become more green. People can post video responses with their own green ideas to these Youtubers and get featured on their channels, or at least get a shoutout if they like your idea.

Click on the Tag Your Green Link above to see all the videos participating, but more importantly, spread the word! Remember, all you have to do is watch the videos and help them reach the 10million view goal! This is a great way to contribute to an awesome cause and it won’t cost you a dime; just some time watching Youtube videos, which we all do anyway (and if you don’t, what are you waiting for!?)

More here at the Howcast Blog

Here’s Wong Fu Productions’ video: